Tuesday 11 December 2012


Q1 : Use the picture given to write instructions for TWO activities. Your instructions must be specific and engaging

1) Your friend is staying at Kinabalu Daya Hotel this week. He wanted to go to Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, however he do not know the way to get there. Send him an email to tell him the direction to get there.

2) The town is being invaded by aliens. You, your mother and your friend are the only survivors at Kota Kinabalu. Your friend needs a gun which can only get at the police station. You have to stay back to protect your mother. Create a dialogue to tell the direction from Kinabalu Daya Hotel to the police station. 

1 comment:

  1. Need a gun? Erm, not appropriate for school students, especially after the recent Sandy Hook incident.

    Just be careful of the values portrayed in the lesson. Parents might question it.

    Maybe : The three of you are kidnapped. Your friend, Declan escapes and wants to get help from the police.

    Overall good.
